The New Zealand Rich List was released last week.
The combined wealth of the richest is up $7 billion to $80 billion.
Big bickys.
Whether it’s the national rich list or the latest list from Forbes society has a fascination with the wealth scoreboard.
Just this morning Jeff Bezos was the world’s richest man for a couple of hours. These facts get reported far and wide from mainstream media to social conversations.
Often the conversation turns to inequality. While a small group of people get richer and richer there’s a large group of people struggling to make ends meet.
Wherever you sit on the social or political spectrum it’s not pleasant to see anybody struggle.
Despite there being more wealth in the world than any time in history the middle class are being hollowed out.
The rich are utilising assets that others aren’t.
The rich are getting richer.
I see the same effect is being seen with businesses.
Despite there never being more information or knowledge on how to start and grow a business there is a growing divide between the have’s and the have nots.
I see people growing businesses at 10, 20, 100% a month yet others in the same industry (in some cases the same town) are struggling to even get clients or customers.
The key difference is deploying assets.
Just like the rich are getting richer through investing successful businesses are growing rapidly though investing not just in knowledge but implementation.
They are committing, investing and moving at speed.
While others are sifting through the information and ‘thinking about it’ others are getting on with it and eating their lunch.
Over time the middle will shrink.
You need to decide whether you want to be on the rich list.