10 years ago we were given a cast iron casserole dish as a wedding present.
Through numerous country, house and kitchen moves it’s remained a trusty companion.
It’s perfect for those ‘whats in the fridge’ moments at dinner time.
A staple of ours is chicken, bacon, vegetables and flavoured for whatever theme that takes us.
Bacon is like olive oil and salt; you can add it to pretty much anything and it will improve the taste.
When I’m using the pot I will always start with bacon first.
The bacon gets cooked properly and the fat flavours the onions, vegetables and meat you put in afterwards.
Everything is cooked at its own speed and the flavour is maximised.
It would be a mistake to put the bacon in last.
If you threw it in on top of cooked meat and vegetables it would broil it.
Grey, chewy bacon with less flavour and no chance for it to distribute it’s magic flavour onto the other ingredients.
It completely changes the outcome even though exactly the same ingredients are being used.
You see this same phenomenon in sales and marketing.
The right ingredients are present but they are being used in the wrong order.
This leads to struggle and frustration.
Why isn’t this working?
You’re taking action and see other people seemingly doing the same thing and making it work.
A simple switch in the order can produce the tasty result you want.
The order of ingredients matters.
If you’re taking action but know you’re recipe could do with improving this weeks calendar is open to write you a new cook book: