When I was a teenager I knew everything.
Life is simple when you know everything.
You easily define someone as friend or enemy.
You are clear on what’s good and what’s bad.
It’s also frustrating;
Why can’t they see how smart I am?
How come the world is crazy but I’m normal?
This is the ego at play.
It’s a delicate balance.
Let the ego run wild and it manifests entitlement, delusion and judgement at the actions of others.
Not enough ego and you lack self-esteem, love and spend an inordinate amount of time paralysed by self-doubt.
Ego is the primary reason I see people get stuck.
An inflated ego doesn’t admit it needs help, feels entitled to success and fights reality at every turn. It believes the world should alter it’s state around it and bend to it’s perception of reality.
This manifests a frustrated, angry individual who lashes out at anyone who doesn’t ‘get it’.
A suppressed ego is paralysed. It doesn’t believe in itself. It’s constantly looking for external validation before it will do anything. Others smell the self-doubt oozing out and avoid this individual further validating the self-doubt they are already feeling.
The paradox is we need hold all these states at the same time.
Belief and self-doubt.
Bravery and fear.
It’s the duality of the human condition.
Don’t let your ego guide you, let it empower you.
There is no good or bad.
There is do or not do.
The choice is yours.