My first job paid $5.30 an hour.
I was 15 and had to work Friday nights and Sundays. It was a retail job.
I loved and hated it in equal measure.
I hated the uniform, the boiling hot building and complaining customers.
I loved earning my own money and they let us eat the food that had damaged packaging. Coincidentally only the nice food seemed to get damaged on the shop floor…
The next job I moved to my pay went up to $13. When you’re 16 and your pay goes up 2.5x you feel like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all rolled into one.
Frankly; surprised I didn’t start shopping for a private jet.
At that age it’s all about the money.
You accept that the jobs you are going to get kind of……suck.
But for some of us this never leaves us.
We get stuck in the tasks that…suck.
Despite the fact there are people who can do them faster, better and cheaper than we can.
To make these decisions you need to decide your hourly rate.
Your time is the most precious commodity you have. It is categorically the most finite resource on earth.
Choosing how you spend that time is crucial to your happiness and productivity.
Cause you ain’t getting it back.
Putting a dollar figure on this helps you decide whether the thing you’re about to do is valuable. Many things are priceless but putting a number on it answers an important question;
Should I be doing this?
I regularly see business owners and leaders doing tasks that they just shouldn’t be doing.
Admin? Some, but not all of it.
Logistics? No thanks.
Marketing? Strategy yes but not spending 5 hours getting an email ‘perfect’.
There’s a famous business cliche: “You must work ON your business, rather than IN it”
While it has an element of truth in it, it’s too simplistic for most of us.
Entrepreneurs are like artists, they love to create, make things, produce.
Sometimes you want to roll your sleeves up and get into it. But the rest of the time you need to be able to get away from the coal face and create leverage.
It’s all about how you choose to spend your time and energy.
I want to show you how to make that choice.