Last night I went local.
The fish fry is a tradition all over the Caribbean. Local fishermen used to set up shop at a port feeding sailors and the ships’ passengers. Fresh fish was abundant so they season with oil with hot peppers and spices and fry to order.
Nowadays, the fish fry has grown to include many preparations of conch, grouper, and snapper, along with traditional sides like plantains and rice and imports along the lines of macaroni and cheese.
We rolled down to the fish fry to be met with huge range of options.
Little shacks all the way up to huge restaurants (with decor like shacks)
We ended up in Twin Brothers.
Part of the fun of travel is trying new stuff and sampling how locals live.
When we opened the menu there were a lot of options.
Shrimp, snapper, conch, lobster.
and they were cheap.
But there was a other specialities on the menu. Things I had never heard of but would try if I understood what they were.
These are the local specialities that you come for.
I asked the waitress and was met with an indifferent response and no explanation.
None the wiser, I ordered shrimp for $10.
I was prepared to spend $30 but I settled for the cheap thing that everyone else sells.
This happens all the time.
If customers don’t understand what they’re getting they wont invest.
They are given too many options or the options we really want them to take aren’t explained properly.
They play it safe and buy the basic version or even worse – don’t do anything at all.
If you want to maximise the customer experience give them the information they need to qualify themselves.
The wonders of the digital age mean we can do this online before they even speak to us.
To get a custom strategy book a time with us now. This weeks calendar is open: