I’m working with a large client at the moment to improve their online sales.
Large, as in tens of millions of dollars, large.
They generate all their sales online directly or through partners.
While looking at their reports I noticed an interesting line item that generated over $5 million in sales.
This isn’t customers calling in and placing orders over the telephone. This is one guy working from home in a small NZ town calling people who had abandoned their booking.
One guy, a phone and $5 million in sales.
I’ve talked in the past about the phone being neglected by online retailers.
I get it, operationally online chat and telephone support are challenging to staff and manage.
Here’s a couple of options:
– Have an exit popup on your cart that asks customers if they would like a call back to answer any questions they have about the product or shipping.
– Add a second email to your abandon cart sequence with your personal number encouraging them to call you with any questions.
Don’t neglect the phone and start generating some o’dat hotline bling.