My friend Kursten dropped an insight bomb on me yesterday.
We are planning a program together and were discussing the contents.
He said:
“Confused minds don’t buy”
The feedback we had gotten was there is too much in the program outline. It’s all important for success but as with any successful teachings you need to unpack it in the correct order to ensure action is taken at each step.
We need to remove or reprioritise the contents to ensure the value is clear and the path to success is mapped for participants.
People often approach websites or products looking what to add in an effort to improve them.
A better question to ask is:
What can I remove to make this more compelling?
If someone was holding a gun to your head and forced you to list only 3 reasons someone should buy from you; what are they?
What is an obvious and immediate gain someone gets from buying your product?
What pain does your product quickly and painlessly solve?
What does your customer secretly desire?
You probably feel you need more ‘traffic’ and ‘awareness’ to make more sales.
While more traffic and awareness are welcome, they are usually not essential.
Giving your current visitors and prospects clarity and value is essential.
Because confused minds don’t buy.
and when you DO get more traffic and awareness it multiplies it’s ROI.
Put yourself in your customers shoes.
Are you giving them clarity?
Or confusion?