…you’ll reach your standards.
Goal setting is common advice.
Google ‘goal setting’ and you get 19,100,000 results. Everyone from Bruce Lee to Tony Robbins has multiple quotes and diatribes and goal setting.
But goals aren’t enough.
Goals describe a future state. A set of criteria that you have defined as desirable and successful. They are usually tangible – income, bodyweight, a house and a car.
And defining a vision is deeply important as it keeps you going through those low moments.
The paradox is the person you will be when you reach your goal will be different. They need to be different otherwise you would already have what you desire. The future you will have more focus, discipline, decisiveness, knowledge and wisdom.
The absolute best news my friend?
You have all those things in you right now.
They aren’t ‘missing’ you just have to make them your standard.
Standards are what make goals inevitable.
If your goal is to lose 10kg. Set your standards as someone who is 10kg’s lighter. Eat like them, dress like them, exercise like them, think like them. Become the future you who is 10kgs lighter. It will become.
If your goal is to have one million dollar business. Set your standards there. Invest like a million dollar business, sell like a million dollar business, hire like a million dollar business. Become a million dollar business and you will become a million dollar business. It will become.
Set your standard. Become your goal.