1. DECIDE. Most people don’t have a clear vision. It must be crystal clear in your mind and documented. Understand the thing that you’ve procrastinating from for the longest time is usually the thing you should be doing…The resistance you feel is fear.
2. STOP doing the things that don’t move you closer to your goal.
3. Quiet the EGO and self judgment and admit that don’t have ALL the answers on how to get there.
4. Look for a SMALL number of people who are just a few steps ahead of you that you can follow in the footsteps
5. Don’t COPY them. Go deep on the frameworks and principles those people are using and understand them.
Here’s the most important part:
6. Execute and implement immediately. Information is useless without implementation. You must become a net CREATOR rather than a net consumer. If you’re spending more time watching Youtube videos than making videos you’re on the wrong side of the ledger.
7. Do not compare your progress or goals to ANYONE. Pay attention to LEARNING, not others perceived progress. You’re playing your own game.
8. Do things that give you ENERGY and avoid things that deplete it.
9. Make decisions FAST and avoid perfection. It throttles progress. Done matters.
10. Allocate time to CARE for you your mind and body. If it breaks everything breaks.
11. Execute at least ONE thing every day that moves you towards your goals. Consistent execution is vastly better than big spikes of activity and energy
12. Implement, implement, IMPLEMENT. Information is everywhere. Goals are achieved by executers not information gatherers. Information has no value without implementation.