The two currencies we trade in online are trust and attention.
If people don’t trust you they won’t buy from you.
If you can’t get their attention they won’t find you to trust you in the first place.
In responses to:
What is your biggest marketing challenge?
Corey says:
“Getting the attention of the reader, and creating the emotion to take action from a distracted, busy audience. Finding the right time, and the right cord to hit.”
Marketers are a fluffy bunch.
They drink the brand Kool Aid and wax lyrical about all the amazing benefits of a product. Traditional marketing teaches you to list the benefits of a product over the features.
This isn’t bad advice, it’s just limited.
While it may appear that you’re competing against other people in your category you’re actually competing against something much more powerful.
The easiest decision a customer can make when confronted with an offer is to do nothing.
Not buy it. Walk away.
There is no obvious downside to them.
The money is still in their pocket. Life goes on oblivious to a different future.
To move them away from doing nothing you need to convince them they are better off with you in their life than without.
This requires reaching into their psyche and going deeper into the emotions.
It doesn’t mean introducing fear unnecessarily but it does mean pointing out some truths.
The ‘cord to hit’ needs to lead with honesty and transparency.
Proof that others have been better off for taking the leap and buying.
Pulling back the curtain on a better future.
Communicate with them on a one-to-one human level.
Market with extreme empathy.
Have belief that you can make their future better and communicate it with passion.