When two brothers decided to move their drive in restaurant to San Bernadino they realised something needed to make them stand out.
Every drive in was the same. Pull up, order, wait, get served.
Menus were long and contained everything anyone could want.
But when the McDonald brothers looked at their sales something stood out.
87% of their revenue came from 3 things.
Burgers, fries and soda.
So they got rid of everything else.
And sales exploded.
Love or loathe McDonalds. It’s a gigantic business success.
70 years ago the McDonalds brothers discovered something that depressingly few businesses understand today.
Doing less makes more.
We are in the age of the specialist. The niche business that serves a well defined customer with a specific product.
The specialist benefits from clarity, simplicity and profitability that comes from doing a small number of things well and ignoring everything else.
The generalist tries to please everyone. This leads to muddy messages, product bloat and complexity.
I’ve experienced this myself when our business transformed from a stressful 6 figure business offering 26 services into a lean 7 figure business offering just one.
The cliche is true; try to please everyone and you end up pleasing no one.
Today many people are going back to the tools after the Christmas break.
If you know you’re going to be wading into the quicksand of clients and complexity by the end of the week then something needs to change.
In the coming days I’ll be sharing exactly how I transformed my business into a lean 7 figure machine that serves my families life. And I’ll be opening up our program for 2019 to work with me personally to transform yours into one.