Sometimes you feel stressed out.
It could be a sequence of events or it could just arrive.
The black cloud sitting slightly over your head and sprinkling drops of worry and anxiety down on you.
It’s normal. It’s life but it doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it.
Fear and anxiety are primal emotions. They are designed to protect us.
Emotions have triggers.
The trigger could be looking at your bank account and it’s looking bare.
You start thinking about the next rent bill, the staff member you need to pay on Friday and the next lease payment on the car.
Then your mind flicks to the balance on the credit card that you were trying to forget about and the fact you promised your partner a winter holiday to Fiji.
The trigger has now set off a chain of fear.
Fear can be paralysing.
The only way to cure paralysis is to act.
You must turn fear into action.
If the source of your anxiety is money you need to solve it.
Book a day of sales meetings.
Message 10 people on LinkedIn.
Call 5 previous customers.
Ask 3 people in your network.
Send an email to your list with a time limited offer.
I’ve built systems that give me results but I’m never above the hustle. I know that action will move me out of the state I don’t want to be in.
The act of the hustle will release the paralysis and the fear will be suppressed.
When the fear hits. Act.
Don’t wallow and empower it.