The day has arrived.
You’ve done the test drive.
Chosen the leather and matched the paint to your favourite Swiss watch.
You walk into the dealership and she is sitting under a silk sheet.
The cover is pulled back and there she is.
Your first supercar.
You pull admire all her features. The beautiful design. The powerful engine. You imagine the performance you are going to get out of her.
It’s time to go. You’ve handed over the cheque and the dealer pulls it onto the road.
They throw you the keys.
You excitedly jump in and turn the key.
Click. Nothing.
It’s got no fuel.
You turn around and look at the dealer but the lights are off and they’ve gone home.
Your beautiful, expensive toy sits there. Useless.
Sound implausible?
Well it’s happening right now in the world of marketing.
Everyday businesses are buying expensive tools and either not moving them past the start line or driving them at 5 kph along the pavement.
Powerful tools that all too often are under-utilised or even worse – have features forced on their customers that they don’t need or want.
More features means more complexity.
More complexity means more cost. In time, attention and labour.
Choosing your tools before you know how they fit into your ecosystem breaks one of the golden rules.
What experience is easy, fun and lucrative for you to produce and for your clients to consume?
When those criteria line up the magic happens. You build a community of raving fans who consume everything you produce.
Only when you have executed and proven this should the tools be added. You can’t automate what you don’t understand.
Stick to the Hyundai before you buy the Ferrari.
If you want a lead generation process that use the right tech, not the most tech we need to speak: