Johnny bit the dog.
The dog bit Johnny.
Same 4 words. Completely different outcome.
Every day I taste the frustration of business owners who are doing the things they should be doing but not getting the results they want.
You feel you are taking the actions but not getting the outcome you desire.
and you are taking many of the right actions.
But you have the order wrong.
The old marketing acronym AIDA codifies the steps a consumer needs to go through before taking action.
There are deeper layers to each stage but fundamentally this is it.
Layering a simple principle over your marketing can diagnose gaps that you can simply fix and glaring holes you can fill.
The good news is you’re probably taking many of the right actions but the order is wrong. Changing the order can sky-rocket your results.
Line up the code and the padlock unlocks.
If you want the code, we need to speak