We are 6 days into the year.
Some of you are on holiday.
Some of you are hustling.
Catching up with my community yesterday on consulting calls was great. A number had record months in December.
One was 5x last December.
There was a consistent factor across those who were successful that was abundantly clear.
The successful ones had taken focused, consistent, action using a proven framework and got results.
They didn’t wait until conditions were perfect.
They didn’t wait for the ‘the market’
They executed
Momentum is an established concept in physics and refers to the quantity of motion an object has.
Objects with momentum are very hard to stop.
Would you stand in front of a train with no brakes rolling down the hill?
Gathering momentum requires dedication. At first it looks like not much is happening then incrementally things start to improve.
You are able to see and feel the results.
The more momentum you get the easier it is to keep going. It feeds you.
Getting momentum can be the difference between success and failure. Often people give up just before they were about to make a breakthrough.
Getting momentum early means you just keep going.
If you want to momentum in 2017 we need to speak.