Watch Over My Shoulder As I Double My Business and Swipe My Strategies To Grow Yours
What’s REALLY working NOW in digital marketing and client acquisition
- Imagine having an over-the-shoulder look at the successes and failures of an highly profitable 7-figure business?
- See the exact strategies and tactics that hundreds of professionals and businesses are using to generate revenue quickly without sacrificing their sanity.
- How much time, money and frustration would you save yourself if you knew not only what was working (and, crucially, what WASN’T working)
- Monthly live, screen-share deep dive and newsletter available for immediate download in our exclusive Insider’s Area, along with monthly bonus content, downloads, guides, swipe files, and more offered periodically.
If you’re like professionals I know you didn’t study marketing at school.
You found a profession and you went out there and did it.
One day you found out it wasn’t all going to be the smooth sailing you envisioned.
The reality hit you that you’re running a business.
Being successful is a lot more than just being great at what you do.
You have to find a steady stream of prospects and cut through the noise and competition..
You have to wear many hats.
When I started consulting I didn’t understand any of this.
I was clueless that you couldn’t just build a website and people wouldn’t be beating down my door.
I made lots of mistakes and eventually saw the reality that I needed a framework to get new prospects and clients otherwise there would always be a ceiling on my freedom and income.
Most professionals and businesses depend on one strategy. Hope – hope the phone rings, hope they get a referral, hope the client accepts the proposal. Sometimes it works but most of the time you can serve many more clients and are leaving money on the table.
I’ve tried A LOT of stuff.
After 10 years online and spending $20 million of mine and other people’s money I found some simple methods that generate me thousands of monthly leads and hundreds of customers APPLYING to work with me.
(yes, they seek ME out)
Through trial and many errors this is what I figured out:
- Developing simple but profitable channels that attract new leads 24/7.
- I mastered methods that capture and qualify prospects so I only speak to the best.
- Developed a predictable system of converting prospects into clients without chasing and the back and forth.
- Designed conversion environments that maximise customer experience and maximise their value.
If a business masters these areas they build a predictable, stable business.
You build a business that is actually fun to work on and run.
Otherwise, what’s the point?
I Am Not Your Guru
There’s a ton of gurus out there flogging their wares who got their experience and ‘credentials’ out of cereal box.
The thing to look at from your mentors is are they currently practicing what they’re preaching.
You’ll notice a lot of “gurus” are talking about two things:
old school strategies that worked a long time ago but now they don’t,
or shiny new tactics that work for 5 minutes but then drop off.
Thats why I’m inviting you Inside.
What’s really working now.
What’s really not working.
and how it’s working for other people just like you.
Not telling you.
SHOWING you how I Get 8x-13x return on Facebook Ads
How we have regular 5 figure days:
And how my clients do to:
How I get away with sending 5+ emails a week and have people begging for more.
I will walk you through the essential systems you need in your business and how we use these to explode sales and grow meaningful brands.
What’s Inside?
I do a monthly live, deep dive into whats working and whats not.
All the numbers, ads, content, strategies and tactics that I’m testing right now.
Case Studies? Yep
Facebook Ads? Yep
LinkedIn? Yep
FB Group marketing? Yep
Chat bots? Yep
Email? Yep
Youtube? Yep
Partners? Yep
Ninja content strategies? Yep
Brand? Yep
If it works, I’ll use it then show you. If it doesn’t work, Ill show you as well.
If it works for my clients, I’ll show you.
I will also show you the personal habits and routines that are the cornerstone of my success.
If you’re an effective human, you’re an effective professional.
Live streamed monthly with a recording and newsletter posted in my private members area.
You get instant access to the back catalogue in our exclusive Insider’s Area, along with monthly bonus content, downloads, guides, swipe files, and more offered periodically.
How Much? Is that a typo..
18 bucks a month.
Yeah, seriously.
That’s USD because I’m global baby (it’s about 25 bucks Kiwi or Aussie)
I’m not doing this to make a profit.
When you’re Inside you’ll see why I don’t need to.
In fact, I’ll probably lose money doing this when my costs of time and delivering to you are taken into account.
But, the machine I’ve built has changed my life and hundreds of my clients.
It needs to get more oxygen.
It doesn’t matter if you’re making $1000 a month or $1,000,000, are an entrepreneur or marketing manager, the ROI on this is RIDICULOUS if you swipe my ideas and execute them.
If you are a magpie and love looking at and collecting bright shiny objects and never do anything with them this will be a frustrating experience.
If you don’t DO anything with the cutting edge info you will be privy to then nothing happens.
If you DO, you will get a ridiculous ROI in literally minutes.
I never try and sell you on working with me Inside.Working with us at any level is application only and there’s a link to book a call with us if you feel its right for you.
I figure if I give you a day of my best strategies, there’s a good chance you’ll ask to work with me to grow your business down the track.
But we’ve only just met, and I want it to be easy for you to come and work with me the first time.
If you love it, and want more, you’ll know where to come.
If you just want to take my strategies and don’t want to have a mentor relationship, that’s cool too.
There’ll be no problems and no hard feelings.
All I ask is that if you Sign up: take action.
You would be crazy not to piggyback off of my time and resources to learn what’s working and how you can take those principles, strategies and tactics to apply to your own business.
This is an incredible opportunity because you get an inside look at my business for about the same amount of money you spend on a glass of Central Otago Pinot.