I send a lot of emails.
I always have.
I’ve sent over 2 billion emails in my ecommerce career.
I do it because it works. They make sales.
If you’re not onboard that email is a key marketing channel for ecommerce I cant help you.
Studies show that email gives and average of 40x return and that’s for people sending average emails like most ecommerce businesses do. The big guys are the worst.
One of the most common questions I get asked is:
“How many emails should I send a week?”
The answer?
But, but, but..
“I can’t send more. Thats spam.”
That’s because you don’t have a Communication Cadence.
Let me explain.
Every business has a natural flow of creating and publishing communications to their audience and the audience responding.
Finding the optimal format – text, video, image
and frequency – daily, 3x week, once a month
is where the magic happens.
Content becomes EASY to create and the audience laps it up like digital catnip.
Sales turn from a trickle into a torrent.
If you send an email and it doesn’t make sales you are shocked and angry.
How do you find your Communication Cadence?